It’s half time! Tomorrow, July 1 marks the half way point of 2017. How are you doing this year? Are you reaching the goals you set back in January? Do you even remember what those goals were? Maybe you’re like a lot of people who started out focused on your goals, but you’ve got so far behind you have forgotten about, and even given up on your goals.

It’s time for a comeback!

In super bowl 51 earlier this year, the Patriots were down 21-3 at halftime against the Atlanta Falcons.

It did not look good for Patriots fans. No one in their right mind would have thought they would have come back to win 34-28.

When the team met in the locker room at halftime they regrouped, refocused, reassessed and recovered from a very bad first half.

How did this happen?

How was the second half so different than the first half?

At half time here’s what their coach, Bill Belichick said: “We need to keep doing what were doing. Play like we know how to play. We can score enough points to win. Do your job.” Then he talked about the adjustments that needed to be made in the game plan, and they went out in the second half, executed and completed the historic comeback.

At halftime in the locker room there was no panic, no pointing figures, no complaining…just a refocus on what needed to happen to turn things around.

Safety Duron Harmon told his teammates, “Fellas, we’re about to go on the greatest comeback in NFL history.”

As the teams were running back onto the field after halftime Coach Belichick said to one of his assistants, “We’ll be ok. Our guys believe.”

How about you?

If you’ve had a poor first half, I have good news. It’s only half time! It’s time for you to go on the greatest comeback in history!

I can tell you as a coach myself, halftimes are crucial. Having a break in the action is vital, whether you’re behind or ahead because you always want to finish the game strong.

Here are 5 things you should do at halftime. If you are entering halftime way behind this year, then I especially want you to do these five things:

  1. Regroup. Slow down, gather your thoughts, tell yourself it’s ok because there is still another half yet to be played. Don’t panic. Remind yourself that how you finish is much more important than how you started. How you finish is much more important than how you started. Share on X
  2. Refocus. Think about the goals that you wanted to accomplish back in January, and refocus your time, your energy, and your discipline to make them happen. No great comeback will happen by chance. It takes a commitment to refocus on what needs to be done.   It’s easy to allow outside circumstances to pull you away from the game plan without even realizing it. At half time refocus on the right things.
  3. Reassess. What adjustments do you need to make in your game plan? Halftime is meant to reassess what’s working and what’s not working, and then make the necessary adjustments. Don’t allow yourself to just drift into the second half. The game is not over! Get ready to take the field with a renewed mindset and adjustments to the game plan.
  4. Remind. The great comeback by the Patriots started with their coach reminding them that they were going to be ok, they knew how to play this game, and they knew how to win. Remind yourself that you’ve got what it takes. Don’t focus on the score, but focus on the fact you’re about to go on the greatest comeback ever! You’ve got what it takes.Don’t focus on the score, but focus on the fact you’re about to go on the greatest comeback ever! Share on X
  5. Recover. Start the second half by executing…In the words of Coach Belichick, “Do your job.” Do your job and do it to the best of your ability. No excuses, only results. Give 120% to executing in the second half.   Don’t focus on how far behind you are but focus on what you need to do to finish strong.

In another great NFL comeback over two decades ago, Buffalo was trailing Houston at halftime 28-3. Coach Marv Levy told his team at halftime, “You guys are going to have to live with yourselves, whatever the outcome.”

Your outcome hasn’t been decided yet. You still have time to reach those goals you had planned to reach 6 months ago. And even if you fall short, at least you’ll be able to look back and know you didn’t give up, you had a great second half giving it everything you’ve got.

Regroup. Refocus. Reassess. Remind. Recover.

It’s your super bowl to win and right now, it’s only halftime.

You’ve got what it takes!