Schedule a free inquiry call (approximately 30 minute) to see if hiring a personal coach is right for you.

1 on 1 Coaching

Coach Greeno’s Next Level Coaching Program is designed for individuals who want to take a specific area of their life to the next level. The NLCP has 4 components:

  1. Define your goals and outcomes
  2. Determine an action plan
  3. Accountability
  4. Evaluate and adjust

In this program Coach Greeno will show you how to create a winning game plan to get to the next level of your success. It begins with an honest evaluation of the 7 area of life to. True success is winning in all areas.

  1. Physical (health)
  2. Mental
  3. Emotional
  4. Relational
  5. Spiritual
  6. Financial
  7. Vocational

Coach Greeno will be your personal coach.

How does it work?

First, schedule your initial inquiry call to see if hiring Coach Greeno will be the right fit for you. There is no obligation.

You can schedule your free inquiry call here.

Once it’s been determined that it’s a good fit both ways, then it’s time to get to work! It’s time for you to begin achieving more, and take your life to the next level.

The NLCP is a coaching program that consists of six 45-minute coaching calls. In these calls coach will work with you specifically to:

  • Define your goals and outcomes — Get crystal clear on what you want.
  • Determine an action plan — Design the exact steps necessary to get to those results.
  • Weekly coaching calls for accountability, evaluating progress, and adjusting the plan as needed.
    • The most crucial step for ongoing results: ACCOUNTABILITY.
    • Each week you will evaluate your progress, get feedback on your results, and if needed make adjustments to your plan.

Why hire a personal coach?

Everyone needs a coach. We all need people who give us feedback–that’s how we improve.

Bill Gates
  • Fast track your success if you have a specific goal you’d like to achieve
  • Get clarity when you know you can do more, but are not sure how
  • Need accountability
  • Have limiting beliefs that are holding you back
  • You’re stuck and need to break out of a rut
  • Want to create change and new results
  • Ready for a breakthrough

Hiring a personal coach could be that missing ingredient you are looking for. Nearly all successful individuals hire a coach, from presidents to professional athletes to business executives. Whether you’re already extremely successful and want to get to that next level, or struggling each day to find your way, having your own personal coach will make the difference.

Hiring a personal coach could be that missing ingredient!

Coaching helps you stop the crazy mind chatter in your head that tells tells you all the time that you’re not good enough.

Oprah winfrey

Coach Greeno’s NLCP is for you if:

  • you are tired of not getting the results you know you are capable of getting
  • you have tried traditional willpower and self-discipline techniques to achieve a result, and it just hasn’t worked
  • you want to gain clarity and be more intentional with your daily routine
  • you want to conquer limiting beliefs that are holding you back
  • you want to develop a strategy (action plan) for your success
  • you are ready to face challenges with confidence
  • you want to strengthen your inner belief of what’s possible for your life