Thank God It’s Monday!!

Today is your day to make things happen, to make new opportunities, and to make a difference!

It’s not your day to make excuses, so let’s just leave that to someone else, ok?

You’re all about living out your purpose today, so be thankful you have another day of life and opportunity ahead of you.

Today’s Motivation Minute is about the fight you’ve got inside you.

You don’t get what you want, you get what you fight for.

Success doesn’t happen just because you want it.  Success happens because you fight for it.  Anything worthwhile requires a fight.

You don't get what you want, you get what you fight for. Share on X

Don’t be one of those people who say they want something but aren’t willing to go to battle.  You and I both know people who want better relationships, they want better finances, they want better health, they want a better relationship with God, they want better grades…they want, want, want….but they don’t fight.

There is a limit to the amount of work they will put in.  If it’s all downhill, hey, they’re good.  But when the road takes them uphill they stop the car and start looking for an easier road.

There comes a point when getting what you want requires everything you’ve got.  The greater your desire, the greater your fight better be.  If you really want your best life, you have to be ready to have the fight of your life.

Are you willing to fight for what you want?

Greatness was never meant to be easy.

Remember, a diamond is simply a chunk of coal that handled the pressure! 

You’re time to shine is coming, but you have to handle the pressure too!

Let the fire inside you burn brighter than the fire around you.

Keep the vision of what you want and don’t stop until you get there.

Keep fighting!  Whatever obstacles are in your way, they are only there so that your victory can be that much sweeter.   Stay focused and don’t give up.

You’ve got what it takes!

Your friend,
