This past week I had the privilege of being the speaker at a youth camp, and after one of the services a young lady asked if she could talk to me.  We sat down in the back of the chapel and I asked her how I could help her.

With her head down, she softly said, “I just don’t feel like I’m worth it.”  She went on to tell me how other students picked on her, and she didn’t feel like she was worth anything.

I reminded her that she was created with a purpose, and that she didn’t have to let other peoples opinions of her become her reality.  What God thinks of her is what matters, and what other people think and say does not define who she is.

Each time I reminded her that she was indeed worth it, her face lit up as if no one had ever told her that before.  My heart broke for her, and I hoped that my brief conversation, along with the messages of the week were able to help her.

I had several such conversations with young people this past week, and it was a stark reminder that there are many people….both youth and adults who allow the labels other people put on them to define them.

Maybe it’s the negative words of an ex-spouse, a jealous coworker, an unhappy boss or teacher, or a random person we don’t even know.

We should never allow the negative words of other people to become who we think we are.  Try to take any criticism you receive and see if there might be some truth in it, but don’t ever allow it to define you.

Each of us were created with a purpose.  No one has the ability to define who we are unless we give them that ability.   We are defined by the choices we make each and every day.

Some people tend to allow their past to define them.  They allow past experiences, setbacks, and failures to become their identity.

Don’t allow the mistakes of yesterday to affect your today, and don’t allow the frustrations and problems of today to affect your tomorrow.

Each day is a new day, and you were given breath again today to live out your meaning and purpose.  Live with passion!  Live on fire with a contagious enthusiasm.

You were created with a purpose.  You’re worth it!  Don’t let anyone ever convince you otherwise.

You were born for a purpose!  You were born for greatness.  You’re worth it!

You're worth it
“It’s never too late to become what you might have been.”
-George Eliot*****

“You can’t turn the clock back to start again but you can
start now and create a brand new end.”
-John Maxwell


“No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.”
-Eleanor Roosevelt


“Believe that life is worth living and your belief will help create the fact.”
-William James