1. Focus on other’s needs instead of your wants.  The great Zig Ziglar used to say, “You’ll get everything you want out of life if you just help enough people get what they want.”  Be the kind of person who thinks of others before yourself.  Remember Self-absorbed people are miserable.

2. Listen first, speak second.  There is a reason God gave you two ears and one mouth!  Listen twice as much as you speak.  Do people say you are a good listener?  With a little practice this is a skill you can easily develop and will help improve every relationship you have.

There is a reason God gave you two ears and one mouth…so you can listen twice as much as you speak! Share on X

3. Resist the urge to complain.  It won’t make anything better and it brings negative energy to the room.  This isn’t you!  Bring positive energy with your presence, your words, and your attitude.  People will want to be around you.

4. Count your blessings not your problems.  No matter how bad things are or how many problems you are dealing with, stop and count your blessings.  And start with the ones we so easily take for granted.

Count your blessings, not your problems. Share on X

5. Respond instead of react.  When you are sick and have a reaction to your medicine that’s bad; when your body responds that’s good!  If you are faced with a situation that makes you angry today do not react out of emotion. Be the kind of person who responds rationally with thought and poise. 

6. Make time to exercise!  You know you need to. You want to. You plan to…If this is describers you get some momentum this week by starting today.  You’ve heard it said, “Day One or One day?   Your body will release endorphins and you’ll feel better, be more focused, and have more energy.

7. Acknowledge God is your source and be continually thankful for every breath He gives.  Always acknowledge that God is the source of your life and the giver of every good thing you have. 

Choose to make it a great day!