Too often we fall into a trap of comparing ourselves to other people.  I see this so often in my work with young people, and sadly many adults continue to compare and compete with others their entire life.

They see someone who has a bigger house, or a nicer car, or makes more money, or has the “perfect family”, or has some quality they want, and in their minds they begin to chase after what someone else has.

There is nothing wrong with admiring others, or allowing someone else to inspire us, but don’t fall into the trap of comparing to them.  Remember, the real comparison we need to be making is with who we were yesterday.

The person in the mirror is the real competition.

Every night when you go to bed, ask yourself, “Was I better today than I was yesterday?”

The real competition is YOU becoming a better parent, a better spouse, a better employee, a better boss a better friend.  It’s all about YOU and has nothing to do with someone else.   The question you should ask every day is this: “Who am I becoming, and am I becoming someone who is better than I was  yesterday?”Your biggest competition is the person staring back at you in the mirror. Share on X

Are you becoming a better person of character?  Are you more reliable today?  Are your convictions stronger today?  Are you more positive today? Is your influence reaching more people today?  Are you more determined today to reach your goals than you were yesterday?  These are the questions you should be asking.

Franklin Roosevelt said, “Comparison is the thief of joy”.

If you are constantly comparing yourself to others, you will indeed lose your joy.   You will be miserable.  You will never really feel complete or satisfied with your life.

The best way I know to make sure you are only competing with yourself, is to be very clear and specific about what you are trying to accomplish with your life, and creating an action plan to follow every day. (Read about creating an action plan.)

Make sure your goals are clear.  Make sure they are specific, attainable, and measurable.  Break down bigger goals into smaller ones, and celebrate the small victories along the way.  Greatness is a life mission. Being the best is not about being better than anyone else but striving to be the best you can be, and bringing out the best in others. -Dominick Cruz Share on X

Knowing and believing in your purpose will be the fuel that you need to keep moving through the difficult times.  When times get hard that’s often when that little voice inside your head begins to talk and tries to get your focus off what you are trying to accomplish and on to the comparing your life with someone else’s.

Stay focused on become a better version of yourself.

It’s ok, to allow another person to inspire you, but you’re not competing with them.  You are only competing with the person in the mirror, so make sure you are focused on who and what you are becoming!  If you are a little better today than you were yesterday, then you are on your way to real victory!


If you are constantly comparing yourself to others, you will indeed lose your joy.   You will be miserable.  You will never really feel complete or satisfied with your life.
hurdles quote compare

“Why compare yourself to others? No one in the entire world can do a better job of being you than you.” -Krystal Volney


“Don’t compare yourself to others.  That’s a battle you can never win.”
-Michelle Parsons


“There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man;
true nobility is being superior to your former self.”
-Ernest Hemingway

“Greatness is a life mission.  Being the best is not about being better than anyone else but striving to be the best that you can be, and bringing out the best in others.”
-Dominick Cruz


“Comparing yourself to someone else really stops you from being who you are.”
-Alicia Keys
