Your thinking determines everything about the quality of your life. The way you think about yourself, and what you are capable of, will become your reality.

It was Henry Ford who said, “Whether you think you can or your can’t, you’re right.”

Psychologists say that we act and behave according to what our mental beliefs are.  If you believe something is not really possible for you, then you probably won’t commit to it, and give it everything you’ve got.

Many people have limiting beliefs about their lives.   They limit themselves because of what they believe about who they are, and what they are truly capable of.   Remember that your subconscious mind will go to work to make what you believe a reality.

Over the years, we develop patterns of thinking.  We get into a pattern of either thinking positively or negatively.   I call it a “thinking model”?

What is your thinking model?

Do you tend to think, “I can do this!”  If so, your immediate thoughts will go towards the steps you need to take, and what your action plan will be.  You may have some fear, but you don’t give in to that fear.  Along with some fear, you also have some excitement and anticipation.

Maybe your tendency is to say to yourself, “I can’t do this!”  If this is the case, then you are giving in to fear.  You allow your mind to give you excuses and reasons why you can’t do it.  And the more reasons you find, the more you psych yourself out.

There will always be reasons why you can’t do it.  But let’s focus on the all reasons why you can!

Your thinking model will set you up for success or failure.

What big thing do you have right now?   Maybe there is an important test you have to take, or a speech you have to give, or a job interview, or a big performance you are giving, or maybe a hard conversation you have to have with someone.

Think about what you’re thinking about as you move closer.    Change your thinking model to a positive one.

If you think losing thoughts, if you think you are not capable, if you think things won’t turn out very well, then you can be sure that’s what will happen.

But if you think winning thoughts, if you think you are capable, if you expect things to turn out in a positive way, then chances are, that is what you are going to get.

NBA player Lebron James doesn’t make every shot he takes.  In fact, he and his team found themselves behind 0-2 in the NBA finals.  He could have easily found every reason in the world why they would not win the championship.  Instead, he changed his mental approach.  He became more aggressive, more confident.  He played with an expectation that he was going to win.

What about you?

Are you finding all the reason why you can’t, or do you focus on all the reasons why you can?

Change your mindset, and you will begin to change your life!

Here are three things you can do to change your mindset:

  1. Prepare.  Do everything you can to prepare, and prepare as a winner would.  It makes no sense to have a positive expectation if you do not do everything you can to prepare ahead of time.
  2. Recall.  Recall a time when you succeeded.  Keep bringing back to your mind the times that you were a success, and the times you accomplished something difficult.
  3. Accept.  Accept the results, whatever they are.  If you give your absolute best, and you prepare with a winner’s mindset, then you can accept whatever outcome.  Remember, there’s not winning and losing, there’s winning and learning.

life is as good as your mindset

 Change your mindset,
and you will begin to change your life!